Who can take this course?
Anyone who qualifies to take a graduate course either as a degree- (or certificate) seeking or non-degree seeking student outside of Boise State University. If you’re already a graduate student at BSU, you simply need to register for the class. If you’re not already enrolled, you can apply for “non-degree seeking” status (cost $65) and, once you’re admitted by the Graduate College, you can enroll.
When is the course offered?
The course starts on May 28, 2024 and ends on August 4, 2024. It’s a 10-week course. It will only be offered in the summer.
What is the format of the course? How is it offered?
Boise State University is a “Canvas” institution, so all content, discussions, etc. will take place via that learning management system. Assignments will be due Sunday nights except when otherwise indicated.
The content will be delivered asynchronously. Most synchronous sessions will be OPTIONAL. If any synchronous sessions are required, they will be offered at more than one time, and students will be able to complete optional assignments if they simply cannot attend those meetings.
How much does it cost?
The cost is $1,434 (~$479 per credit for a 3 credit-hour course). The cost is the same for in-state and out-of-state students. If you are a benefits-eligible employee of the State of Idaho, then the cost is only the administrative fee. The cost of textbooks will be minimal, but students may have to pay to rent movies or stream them, or buy certain novels.
Are there any prerequisites?
There are no prerequisites for the class in terms of your background or prior knowledge. We certainly welcome any and all graduate students from any discipline (not just humanities, education, or technology areas).
What do I get when I finish?
Those who successfully complete the class will earn 3 credit hours. The course can count as an elective toward one’s degree program if the program coordinator or advisor authorizes it. For students who are not enrolled at BSU, the credits can potentially transfer, but again that is the decision of the coordinator (or based on the other university’s policies). For those seeking professional development credit, please talk to your PD specialist to learn how the course might be used in that manner.
How do I register?
Look for: EDTECH 597-4202: Special Topics – Dystopian Visions, AI & Educ (Lecture)
For BSU students, use the my.boisestate.edu interface. If you are not a BSU graduate student, you’ll need to either apply to a program OR you can apply as a”non-degree seeking student”. Such a status allows non-BSU students to take the course so that they can use the credits at another institution (if allowed) or towards a BSU graduate program should they apply to one at a later time.
You must register for the class no later than May 30, 2024. If you’re applying for non-degree seeking status, or for a graduate program, you should have that completed no later than early May to ensure you can still enroll.
Can I audit the course or take it for free?
Unfortunately, I cannot permit students into the course, so they can merely audit it. It cannot be offered as an “open course” at this time. I am willing to share the syllabus with academics at other institutions who request it.